Saturday, May 9, 2020

How Are You Communicating

How Are You Communicating Communication is crucial.   A message is mostly interpreted by non-verbal cues, not the actual words we use.   However, for the last few years there has been a huge movement towards social networks and the  conversations are happening virtually (in writing).   Well, some would ask if they are really conversations or just narcissistic junk.   The point I am trying to make is that the traditional  definitions of communication are broadening. Thomas Stone, of Element K, speaker and authority on eLearning presented at the local chapter of American Society for Training and Development (ASTD).   He spoke about using technology as a supplement to traditional learning methods. The technology he spoke of included:   blogs, wikis, twitter, and social networks (these are the big ones right now). I believe Toms point is that formal learning alone is not as effective as formal learning combined with these technologies.   There is a greater rate of retention if the learning is blended. Job search is a learning process.   It has changed a lot since youve last had to look for a job.   How will you learn about these new changes?   As students of this new world of job search, you have probably attended workshops, watched webinars and read a book or two.   Where else can you go to add these technology components to your learning and retention?   Obviously, you read this blog, however, there are literally thousands more. BLOG SOURCES AllTop is a collection of blogs by topic.   Ive selected some of my favorites in my AllTop page careersherpa (follow the link) RiseSmart Career 100 ranks the top career related blogs. Blogrolls of favorite blogs is another way to find more blogs. Social Networks Secrets of the Job Hunt is a great example of a social network.   It is focused on job search information sharing. Locally, there are some usergroups on yahoo that are very helpful. Dont forget about Groups on LinkedIn.   Remember, you can belong to up to 50 groups.   Here are just a couple Job Search and Careers And  dont forget to select some professional groups that will enlighten you on industry and occupational trends. WIKIs I dont know of any yethelp me out here!   Are there wikis for job search education and discussion?   Certainly there must be. TWITTER There are some great tweeters out there!   To find lists of great content generators, you can view the new function lists of people you respect and value. Where to find your job on Twitter(by CareerRocketeer) (There are many more lists out there too, add your favorite lists of people to follow for job search advice in the comments) It is about sharing.   It is free.   It is a new way of communicating.

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